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Modern Greek Program

MODERN GREEK is an interdisciplinary Program housed in the Department of Classical Studies and shared with the Department of Comparative Literature, with three dedicated faculty members: Professors Vassilis Lambropoulos, Artemis Leontis, and Despina Margomenou.


The Program offers 6 semesters of the Greek language from beginning to advanced, fulfilling the language requirement, and courses in language, culture, and literature fulfilling Humanities, FYWR, ULWR, and Social Science Requirements and Race and Ethnicity. Look for classes in the LSA catalogue under GreekMod, CompLit, ClCiv and under the instructors' names. The Program is supportive of students and offers a Minor and a Concentration (Major) in Modern Greek, opportunities and funding for internships and study abroad, as well as excellent opportunities for graduate studies with a specialization in Modern Greek through several departments. 

Vassilis Lambropoulos

Director and C. P. Cavafy Professor of Modern Greek and Comparative Literature

Artemis Leontis

Coordinator and Professor of Modern Greek

 Dr. Despina Margomenou

Lecturer IV in Modern Greek

Modern Greek Department Event Calendar

Learn more about the Modern Greek program:
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